Monday night raw Wwe Raw results 18 july 2016 Download | Monday night raw live stream

The July 18th edition of WWE uncooked from the Dunkin Donuts middle in providence, RI is the ultimate episode before the 2016 roster draft and emblem break up Monday night raw live stream .

– Stephanie McMahon comes out to open the show and she or he is interrupted by means of Shane before she will be able to end her first sentence. After a few arguing between the siblings, Stephanie broadcasts the brand new GM for uncooked: Mick Foley! Foley comes out and cuts a promo approximately how this reminds him of the mind-set technology and the Monday night Wars.

Monday night raw  Wwe Raw results 

Foley says he’s going to take raw to the destiny and beyond, and Shane says that Foley is a great choose. Shane introduces his new Smack Down GM: Daniel Bryan! He comes out and says he’s ignored the lovers, and talks approximately how him and Shane are going to make Smack Down beat uncooked each single week. Stephanie says Daniel Bryan is only a B+ wrestler, and makes fun of Shane for sweating. Shane says she needed to marry a WWE celebrity to stay applicable, and Bryan says “sure” they may make Smack Down bigger than raw.

Monday night raw live stream

Sure! Yes! Yes! @WWEDanielBryan has been named preferred supervisor of #SmackDownLive! #uncooked@ShaneMcMahon %.Twitter.Com/Aaq6WJJjU2

— WWE (@WWE) July 19, 2016

– Sami Zayn and Cesaro def. Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho: Jericho controls the match against Cesaro early on, but Cesaro comes back with uppercuts. Sami and Owens fight at ringside and Cesaro and Jericho change offense within the ring. Cesaro goes for the Neutralizer however Jericho receives out, then Zayn and Owens get the hot tags. Zayn gets the top hand on Owens then they tag in Jericho and Cesaro. Cesaro hits a touch off the top for a 2-remember, then swings Jericho. Sami Zayn gets the tag and hits a superkick on Owens then rolls up Jericho for the win.
– behind the curtain, Daniel Bryan and Stephanie McMahon exchange phrases. Daniel Bryan says he’s lower back like “the new Ghostbusters film.” Stephanie says he’s more like Chucky from baby’s Play. Bryan tells her accurate activity on ruining Monday night time raw and goodbye.

– Darren younger def. Alberto Del Rio: The Miz and Maryse are on remark for this one. We get to and fro movement till Darren younger hits a big right hand. The Miz gets at the apron to distract him while Del Rio is going to roll him up from behind. Young escapes the pin strive and receives Del Rio in a pin of his personal for the win.

– John Cena comes out and grabs the mic to speak about the next day night’s draft on SmackDown, and Battleground on Sunday. Cena introduces his companions for Battleground, Enzo and Cass. Enzo cuts his common weekly promo then get within the ring with Cena. Enzo then disses The membership and says AJ styles has a haircut like a football mom. The club comes out to break and that they trash speak the babyfaces. They say tonight they’re going to conquer up John Cena, Enzo, Cass, and all 3 individuals of the new Day. The new Day comes out to interrupt and they reduce a promo at the club. After a few minutes of banter, The Wyatt own family makes their way out.

Monday night raw  Wwe Raw results 

– The Wyatt family & The club def. The brand new Day, John Cena, and Enzo & Cass: plenty of tags in the beginning mins.

Monday night raw live stream

 Enzo Amore tags himself in and faces off in opposition to the a good deal larger Braun Strowman. Strowman drops him with a shoulder block and big Cass tags himself in. Strowman knocks Cena off the apron and this causes anyone to hit the hoop. The smoke clears and Cass hits Strowman with a massive boot then tags in Kofi. Kofi comes off the top for a splash but Strowman catches him and hits a jogging powerslam. AJ patterns and Cena end up the legal guys and AJ receives the supper hand, but he receives distracted arguing with Bray Wyatt. AJ receives Cena in a fireman’s bring right into a neckbreaker onto his knee for a 2 count number. Gallows and Anderson work over Cena and preserve him far from his group’s corner. Cass and AJ get the tags, however Braun Strowman fast enters the hoop and lays out the babyfaces. The brand new Day teams as much as take out Strowman and Rowan. Xavier hits a suicide dive onto the Wyatt family at the ground. The Wyatts and the new Day brawl up the ramp. Enzo by chance clotheslines Cena, then AJ hits Enzo with the styles clash for the win.
– We see pictures shot in advance today of Seth Rollins in the empty arena talking about why he merits to be global Heavyweight Champion.

– behind the curtain, Shane McMahon congratulations Mick Foley on becoming the uncooked GM. Shane tells Foley that his sister is going to attempt to manipulate him, and Foley says he’s properly aware of how Stephanie works. Foley tells Shane he’s got skills to scout and leaves.

#SmackDownLive Commish @ShaneMcMahon thinks@StephMcMahon utilized @RealMickFoley to "control" him… #raw p.C.Twitter.Com/718GFFywJk

— WWE (@WWE) July 19, 2016

– Baron Corbin def. Sin Cara: Sin Cara gets in a couple of over the top flying offense from the get-go, however Corbin gets the win in the blink of an eye with the stop of Days. Corbin whips Sin Cara after the solid till Kalisto turns out for the keep, then Corbin thumps him as well.

– Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch def. Charlotte and Dana Brooke through DQ: Becky starts the sound off in control towards Dana. Natalya turns out inside the opening mins and whips Becky at ringside. The official requires the chime and Charlotte and Dana hold the beat down on Becky.

– Shane and Daniel Bryan are conversing with Demon Kane in the lower back.

– Dean Ambrose is in the background decreasing a promo on Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns.

– Rusev and Sheamus def. Dolph Ziggler and Zack Ryder: The heels begin the fit as a fiddle off in control. Dolph Ziggler gets the new tag and hits the Fameasser on Rusev yet Sheamus separates the pin. Rusev comes came back with a superkick and The Accolade for the win.

– They air a video offering Randy Orton's do a reversal at Battleground.

– Daniel Bryan and Mick Foley are speakme inside the once more. Daniel Bryan says they should have an incredible running connections, and they exchange some verbal punches. Foley tells Daniel Bryan "allow the recreations begin."

– Dean Ambrose versus Seth Rollins: the field Heavyweight name is out and about on this one. Stephanie, Shane, Mick Foley and Daniel Bryan are all sitting at ringside to watch. After some forward and backward development inside the opening minutes, with Rollins moving to the outside for a breather additional than once.

– Seth Rollins def. Senior member Ambrose for the part Heavyweight title: the area Heavyweight name is hanging in the balance in this one. Stephanie, Shane, Mick Foley and Daniel Bryan are all sitting at ringside to take a gander at. After some forward and backward movement inside the starting minutes, with Rollins moving to the outside for a breather more prominent than once. Ambrose hits a flying clothesline off the cover onto Rollins at ringside. Back inside the ring, Rollins takes oversee and deals with Ambrose inside the alcove.

 Ambrose mounts a rebound and hits a Fisherman's suplex for a close fall. Ambrose tosses Rollins to the outside then hits a suicide jump. Rollins maintains a strategic distance from a clothesline and hits Ambrose with a powerbomb into the fan barriace, then catches up with a frogsplash inside the ring for each other close fall. Rollins endeavors a Pedigree however Ambrose gets out. Rollins hits a flying knee and goes for each other Frogsplash off the top, however Ambrose takes off of the way. They trade strikes inside the focal point of the band. Rollins powerbombs Ambrose into the turnbuckle, and Ambrose returns right with a DDT. Rollins takes off of entryways and Ambrose takes after. Ambrose starts fouling up the editorial region then puts Rollins onto the Spanish declare table. Rollins moves off and keeps running once more into the ring where he hits a Pedigree on Ambrose for some other 2-depend. Rollins hits a Superplex off the top and snares Ambrose's leg, yet Ambrose snares Rollins' leg as well and the ref tallies to three. 

Monday night raw  Wwe Raw results 
Monday night raw live stream

There's disarray over who the official meant. Stephanie says that Rollins got and that brings Shane, Foley and Bryan all inside the ring with them. Stephanie snatches the recognize belt and a mic and telecasts Rollins as the fresh out of the plastic new champ.

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