WWE Monday Night Raw 13 June 2016 Free download raw results

Welcome to Monday night raw! This week’s episode becomes held on the Smoothie King center in New Orleans. Right here’s all of the movement that went down.

Establishing phase
the brand new Day is within the uncooked ring, but their promo is fast cut brief by means of the advent of Enzo and Cass, describing their notorious headband unicorns as nothing more than massagers for the prostate. Enzo and Xavier begin moving into each different private area; however it’s not lengthy earlier than the Vaudevillians interrupt…so that Aiden English can start singing. Luckily, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson interrupt just in time for a fit to be organized.
The Vaudevillians, Gallows and Anderson defeated the brand new Day, Enzo and Cass

Kofi Kingston kicked matters off as he labored on Simon Gotch, tagging in huge E to preserve the action on their facet of the hoop. After Aiden English and Enzo Amore were given tags in however, the Vaudevillians gained the momentum. A few warm tags later, a few grimy plays and a Magic Killer from the Bullet club on Kofi Kingston resulted in a new Day defeat.
Behind the curtain
Sheamus and Zack Ryder are feeling the warmth, with the two being dropped into a singles suit for the night. Sheamus publicizes that he’ll make Titus O’Neil the largest comic story within the entire WWE enterprise. Which apparently involves having O’Neil jumped with the aid of Rusev at the raw ramo even as at the manner to a suit?

The Ambrose Asylum

Dean Ambrose is again on uncooked, and so is his communicate show. Former shield associate Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins are his guests tonight, as Ambrose reminisces about the coolest old’ days in their stable run. Rollins says that he recalls the ones days, however his favorite moment passed off to be while he laid out Reigns with a metallic chair.
Ambrose is gambling the center-guy here, teasing that if he wins cash within the financial institution, he would possibly just coins it in that very night. And then the 3 began brawling, with Reigns hitting a Superman Punch on Rollins and Ambrose touchdown dirty Deeds on Reigns to be the closing man standing on his speak show. Backstage, Stephanie McMahon books Ambrose in a in shape with Chris Jericho later in the night time.
Paige defeated Charlotte

With Natalya and Becky Lynch on commentary for this bout, there was no way it become going to give up cleanly. And way to some ringside action, Paige managed to land a super kick on Charlotte and follow up with a Rampage finisher to get a win within the non-identify suit with the women’s Champion.
Sheamus defeated Zack Ryder
As though all and sundry didn’t see this coming. An early two-rely from Ryder almost gave him the win; however a big boot from Sheamus sealed the deal on a quick match. And additionally led to Sheamus turning in a beat down on Ruder till Apollo Crews got here out to shop him, laying out Sheamus inside the system.
Shane McMahon and Kane are having a communique, till Kevin Owens interrupts and tattles on Del Rio for being past due to reveal up on uncooked. Del Rio all at once appears, and claims that Owens known as airport safety on him. Kane is having none of this, and publicizes that Owens and Del Rio need to do a little uncooked group-building…in a tag team suit with the Lucha Dragons. Hello sounds higher than sitting thru a seminar.
Sami Zayn defeated Cesaro
A incredible match from the two, as they engaged in masses of two-counts and pinnacle-rope movement. Zayn could get the win, surviving a superplex from Cesaro and reversing a powerbomb right into a sunset turn.
Cash inside the bank agreement signing
Michael Cole is inside the uncooked ring, to organize a contract signing between AJ patterns and John Cena for cash inside the financial institution. Cena sings AJ’s praises in the beginning, asserting his admiration for patterns and his tours across the world in various wrestling promotions. And at this factor, Cena tells Cole to get out of the hoop, as AJ seems.
Patterns declare that he’ll out-struggle Cena in each manner possible, which without a doubt isn’t that tough clearly. Cena says that AJ has a desire of matches. Either a traditional singles in shape or a handicap match with Gallows and Anderson in his corner or as Cena called it, “The whinge membership”. AJ takes the singles alternative, and signs and symptoms on for cash in the financial institution.
Kevin Owens and Alberto Del Rio crushed The Lucha Dragons

sure, there has been a couple contending toward the begin, however Del Rio and Owens controlled to put separated their disparities protracted adequate to score a win on the Lucha Dragons, with Owens selecting up the pinball with a pop-up power bomb on Sin Cara. And afterward he was given to enhance Del Rio's boot subsequently. With the two bitching interminably to Stephanie McMahon thereafter, she puts Owens on critique with Sami Zayn for the Jericho and Ambrose fit as a fiddle, and chooses Del Rio as the visitor timekeeper.

Additionally Cesaro transformed into designated in light of the fact that the exceptional uncooked ring commentator through Shane. This would no more end well.

Senior member Ambrose vanquished Chris Jericho

After Cesaro included Jericho as hailing from senseless Idiotville, the fit as a fiddle transformed into on! What's more, it transformed into normal franticness. Ambrose and Jericho traded heaps of hacks, pummels and jumps by means of the night, however having their money inside the bank rivalry at ringside transformed into never going to stop pleasantly. All individuals were given in each distinctive confronts, fights broke out and Ambrose figured out how to inverse a Code breaker into grimy Deeds for the win.

Owens would then pummel on Ambrose, with the brouhaha seething crazy all through the circle. Over the long haul, Jericho transformed into a definitive man status, sitting on a stepping stool and supporting the trade out the monetary organization folder case to end crude for the night.

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